Sabine Finkenauer
Since first working together with the gallery in 2015 with the exhibition entitled ‘A presence in the void’ all the works by this German artist that we have exhibited in the gallery and at fairs has focused on her creations on paper. Having spent the last few years working with this medium, Sabine has returned to working on canvas and with larger formats.
This exhibition focuses on nature and more specifically on the world of flowers. Sabine approaches the subject with ease and spontaneity, from a new and unknown perspective; first she addresses trees, quickly and spontaneously; and then a series of heart-shaped flowers with their characteristic light and colours, in various shades of pink, green and blue that fill the top floor of the gallery; and finally, in the lower rooms she returns to her patterns made up of horizontal and vertical lines that cross one another like in the exhibition ‘Mantas’, 2013. This is an entire space where furniture, ceramics and large-format acrylic paintings come together to create a consistent environment. In other words, she has taken a step back regarding her key themes, but a step forward in the freer and more spontaneous execution of her work.